Monday, August 1, 2011

Will the Real Horseshoe Pizza Please Stand Up: The Corner Pub & Grill (Bonus Blog)

The Corner Pub & Grill is an Irish-American themed restaurant located on the West side of Springfield.  The Corner offers a wide variety of both food and drink choices, but one of their most unique creations is the Horseshoe Pizza.  The Corner was one of the first (if not the 1st) restaurants to combine a pizza with the horseshoe, and the mixture is a true delight for any diehard horseshoe fan.  This horseshoe pizza is an actual hybrid of both a horseshoe and a pizza and is unlike anything else in Springfield. 
The horseshoe pizza starts with a pizza crust and then is topped with all the usual fixings.  The fries, the meat, and even the cheese sauce can all be found on this pizza.  The whole dish is then baked to perfection, creating a horseshoe that can be eaten by hand. Of course, it is still easier to enjoy the horseshoe pizza with utensils, but the option to ditch the fork is out there.  The pizza is thick, due to the heavy number of fries and toppings loaded on top of the crust. This pizza is very reasonably priced, and is definitely enough food to split between 2-3 people.  Under all normal circumstances, we would never recommend taking any horseshoe home to eat as leftovers. However, in the case of a horseshoe pizza, it actually reheats wonderfully.  On numerous occasions, the horseshoe pizza has been taken to-go and then reheated at another time. Every time it has been a success. 
Unfortunately, our scores for the Corner Pub & Grill are currently incomplete.  The official score would easily be in excess of 90, and would earn the seal of approval from both of the contributors.  Nevertheless, this post is designed to be more a follow-up to the horseshoe pizza debacle that we encountered at Dublin Pub.  It was our intention to demonstrate that there is an excellent horseshoe pizza in Springfield, and we recommend this dish to all horseshoe fans. 

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